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Things to be Thankful for This Summer

Sometimes events in the news are depressing. Natural disasters, wars, the plight of refugees, murders, theft and fraud fill our newscasts. So I’ve been looking for some good news stories in our own community to be thankful for.

Newmarket’s first dog park has opened. It’s located at George Richardson Park and provides an opportunity for dogs to run leash-free. Besides providing freedom, exercise and fun for the dogs, it also allows the dog owners to meet and socialize. Pray that this park will prove to be a great benefit for dog lovers and their friends.

Southlake Regional Health Centre has been given provincial approval to build a hospice. A hospice provides care for people with terminal illnesses in a home-like setting. It provides specialized care for the whole person and support for families. At this time there is limited access to hospice beds and this new facility will provide an additional ten beds when opened in 2017. Pray that this community endeavour flourishes and the building proceeds according to schedule.

Our Indie Coffee Cafe on Leslie Street is a project that provides skills training and work experience for adults with developmental disabilities. Currently eight young adults are participating in this exciting venture. Our Indie also sells their own roasted organic green coffee beans that have been produced in an ethical and eco-friendly way. Pray for the success of this business and for all those who will learn new life skills enabling them to live more independently.

Did you know that almost a quarter of young children have vision problems and that this can impede their ability to learn, play and socialize? Yet only 10 per cent of pre-school children have had their eyes examined. Now there is a free program called “Eye See…I Learn” for junior kindergarten kids. Participating optometrists will provide free eye exams and eyeglasses. Pray that many parents will take advantage of this program to ensure their children begin school with clearer vision.

Join me in prayer.
Father Gordon

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